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See this card for an overview of the difference between analysis and interpretation, and how they build on each other. ### Knowi

<p>See this card for an overview of the difference between analysis and interpretation, and how they build on each other.
Knowing the difference between description, analysis, and interpretation is also important for performing a proper 'close reading' of a text.</p>

Terms of Use (short)

SHRIMP is a university-based project to improve the reading and learning experience in the humanities. Data gathered by the SHRIMP platform is not transmitted to other parties. Usage data may be used for research purposes within the SHRIMP project. You may use the platform anonymously and your user profile will not be linked to your real life identity. An extensive version of the terms of use is available online.

Terms of Use

SHRIMP is a university-based project to improve the reading and learning experience in the humanities. Data gathered by the SHRIMP platform is not transmitted to other parties. Usage data may be used for research purposes within the SHRIMP project. You may use the platform anonymously and your user profile will not be linked to your real life identity. An extensive version of the terms of use is available online.



LC-I Seminars

Seminar A (Schadewaldt, Wed. 3-5)

  • To do your weekly reading and prepare the reading questions, use SHRIMP at
  • To join the weekly Seminar meetings, use Zoom at:
  • To upload your PVLs and final essay, please use the seminar's Moodle page at: ...


How You Used Shrimp This Semester

The semester is coming to an end - while you are probably busy with your exams at this point, we are evaluating and interpreting your and your fellow students’ interaction data. With these numbers and statistics, we primarily intend to help you to learn more about yourself and your learning behavior. Maybe you consider yourself as some kind of learning type – for example, as someone who likes to annotate a lot. The figures can show you if this is actually the case and help you to maybe adjust your learning methods in the future.

Midterm Survey: The Results

Sometimes you have to ask to find out if someone is okay. That goes for friends, family, colleagues... and especially for you! In order to adapt SHRIMP better to your needs, it is super important for us to know whether you are satisfied with the platform and if you think we could improve certain features or processes. That’s why we started a short midterm survey on SHRIMP a few weeks ago. Here are the results!


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